Host Your Wedding at The Union Hotel

A wedding symbolizes the beginning of a new life, where two become one and commit to a life of shared dreams, aspirations and goals. Since our inception, we here at The Union Hotel Sierra Retreat have committed to sharing these celebrations with our guests, working to make the event unforgettable. The oath of marriage is unique to each couple and made all the more special here in our mountain getaway.

The setting couldn’t be more perfect. Our facilities allow for large or small groups according to your needs. Our staff has years of experience hosting these gatherings and have given many a couple a day to remember always. We can assist with elaborate catering served in our dining facilities or our gourmet kitchen and grill stations are available for you serve up your own style of meal.

Have a theme wedding in mind? There is more than ample space for creating the perfect atmosphere. You are limited only by your creativity.

The Union Hotel  is an easy drive from many locations in Northern California but we can host weddings from all over the country. Most out of town groups choose to fly into a nearby airport like Sacramento and caravan in arrive in smaller groups. Our staff is flexible and can handle guests requiring special accommodations.

When you decide on where to book your special day, remember that The Union Hotel Sierra Retreat has the place and the people to make your dream day come true. Call or email today and get started planning the wedding you’ve always wanted.

To Those Who Had Their Wedding at The Union Hotel

The Union Hotel marketing team would like to ask permission to use wedding photos and/or videography taken from weddings hosted at The Union Hotel to promote our businesses wedding venue capability.

We thank you for your consideration and willingness to help our small business grow.

Please send us an email or phone call if you chose to submit to our team. Below is a media consent form to be filled out if you so choose to submit your wedding photographs/videos to our team. Thank you again!

Family Reunions at The Union Hotel are the Stuff of Memories

For years, families have trusted the Union Hotel to host their reunions, and for good reason.

Reunions are best in memorable locations surrounded by sights and sounds that make you relive the great times with your family. The Union Hotel’s location makes it ideal for outdoor activities, long walks and long talks that etch those great times into our minds and nourish us until the next time we can get everybody together.

Contact us today!

Host Company Retreats at The Union Hotel

With plenty of space and excellent facilities, your company retreats can help boost company morale and productivity. Improve team communication, creativity, and mental well being. The different activities you can plan are only limited by your imagination.

When it comes to company retreats, there are countless options available for businesses of all sizes. From luxurious resorts to conference centers, there is no shortage of venues to choose from. However, in recent years, more and more companies are choosing natural settings for their team-building getaways. Here’s why:

Escape the Office When your team is surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the city, it can be difficult to disconnect from work and fully engage in the retreat. Natural settings, on the other hand, offer a chance to leave the office behind and immerse yourself in the beauty of the outdoors. Whether you’re taking a hike through the forest or gathering around a bonfire under the stars, you’ll feel like you’re truly getting away from it all.

Say Less to Stress Studies have shown that spending time in nature can reduce stress levels and improve overall well-being. This is especially important for busy professionals who spend long hours in front of a computer screen. A company retreat in a natural setting provides the opportunity to unplug, unwind, and recharge.

Build Winning Teams Finally, natural settings offer unparalleled opportunities for team building. Whether you’re working together to navigate a challenging hiking trail or cooking a meal over an open flame, these experiences bring your team closer together and encourage collaboration. Plus, the memories you create in these settings will last a lifetime and strengthen your team’s bonds for years to come.

Contact us today!

The Perfect Space in the Perfect Environment,
Whatever the Occasion

The hotel and cabins at La Porte are an ideal solution whether you are planning an intimate getaway or a corporate retreat. What are some of the advantages of planning your stay in the middle of the mountains?

There are, in fact, several advantages to holding company events like retreats in rural or natural settings like mountains.

Enhanced focus and reduced distractions

Rural or natural settings provide a welcome respite from the usual distractions of the office environment. Here, participants can concentrate more fully on the retreat’s purpose and goals, without interruptions from emails, phone calls, and colleagues.

Improved team bonding and communication

Spending time in nature and participating in outdoor activities can foster a sense of camaraderie and teamwork among colleagues. This can lead to improved collaboration and communication back at the office, which can help to enhance overall productivity and morale.

Reduced stress levels and improved mental health

Being in nature can have a calming effect on the mind and help reduce stress levels, which can lead to improved mental health and productivity. This can help to create a more positive working environment and enhance overall employee wellbeing.

Increased creativity and inspiration

Being exposed to new environments and experiences can spark creativity and inspire new ideas among participants. This can help to generate fresh perspectives and innovative solutions, which can be applied to everyday tasks back at the office.

The Union Hotel Sierra Retreat

Whether you're looking for an intimate getaway or a grand wedding, contact us and get your dates booked.

1915 Main Street
La Porte, CA 95981

(530) 675-2860


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